REA Spratt travel to France to see the advancement in the Solar Energy Sector
7th October 2024

Eamonn Spratt and a number of REA Agents travelled to France specifically Lavernosse near Toulouse in the south west of France. The REA travelling group was hosted by Mr Grégory Piguet Head of Solar Development Amarenco France.
Amarenco is a leading global developer and investor in Solar PV with its Headquarters in Cork City. Amarenco currently have a presence in Austria, Spain, France, Ireland and Portugal in addition to Dubai, Egypt, Jordan, Oman and locations in the far east. Amarenco recently reached a significant milestone of half a Gigawatt of installed electric power in Europe in less than four years.
Solar Power has only created momentum in recent years in Ireland in fact, 28% of electricity in Ireland came from renewable sources for May this year according to provisional data from EirGrid. REA in their capacity as land agents, have and continue to represent landowners looking to consider Renewable Energy in addition to working with Amarenco in sourcing suitable property opportunities that meet the criteria required to provide for a viable project.
Ireland is very quickly catching up with established solar operators but all the REA Agents present in France benefited from seeing more modern cutting edge technology working on the ground. Currently the national grid in Ireland can accommodate up to 75% of electricity from Renewable Sources at any one time. This is known as the system non-synchronous penetration (SNSP) limit. EirGrid is aiming to further increase the SNSP limit.
Speaking to the Dungarvan Observer, Eamonn Spratt stated that “with the deadlines now in place for Ireland to meet our carbon footprint requirements. In REA Spratt we are both aware and proactive in playing our part to ensure that more electricity is achieved by renewables in conjunction with local willing communities”.
Photographed below is Eamonn Spratt with Mr Grégory Piguet Head of Solar Development, Mr Fabien Cazajus Site Manager of the Amarenco Lavernosse Solar Farm and the travelling REA Group.